Monday, December 19, 2011
Jesus I need you to be my savior.
This time, I have no full control of myself, but I am striving my
very hardest to explain this personal story, that is paranormal and
can be considered as a result of unmindful actions I do.
I have had a recent experience that is very diabolical.
Please don't judge me that I am crazy, but, not everybody might understand me,
because this is so hard to explain.
To tell everybody downstraight, this event recently like typhoon
Sendong, that killed many people in Mindanao.
May have something to do, with the evil in the spiritual realms.
I hope that I am not at my lowest spiritual point, i thank God.)
I am not crazy, though at times, I lose my control, I act like
dancing while singing in front of the mirror, not knowingly, that I am
probably making magic, or using occult-power, without my knowledge.
And automatically, there are times, that my hands and feet sweat a lot,
at the same time, it's raining. (Crazy right? But I can't completely understand
this that is happening to me, nobody else, can even explain to me.)
This experience of mine that is very personal, is demonic and paranormal.
I was controlled for many times, to speak-in-tongues, but these tongues that I was speaking is evil and been used by *sort of Witchcraft* or *demonic* power, trying to take charge of my mouth, to make CHANTS.
I was losing control over my mouth, everytime I was attacked by this spirit.
I guess this spirit is a demon or maybe, something that has to do, with psyching up of people that has mind-kinetic-psychology that makes movement to a person's body.
Trying to rule over mind.
I don't want to lose my volition, and my will.
I do trust in God, and I even make songs that is Christian.
Realizing, that I was doing these things, while I am in the bathroom, naked,
taking a bath, and rhyming... (sometimes using instrumentals of Known artists, and changing words of some artists that has blasphemies.)
Like example..
I have been listening to T.I. GOT YOUR BACK, and the line that says,
on adam and eve.. "MAY GOD GIVE NOT ***T ON THESE TWO"
And i do change that line to, "MAY GOD MAKE US A BLESSING OF HAVING US TWO."
I keep on changing words on blasphemous songs, but to the extent that I don't record them, and sometimes, I even laugh at my songs when I mess up my rhymes.
I have been psyched-up, and even have spoken words that has evil in it.
Like *damning* God, but it have happened with my own mouth, only with the force
of this air, that comes out from my mouth strongly.
There are times, that I even feel that I am hurt.
While this wind comes out from my mouth, it also makes me speak these hateful words, automatically.
I am asking for God's divine mercy, for speaking words I don't mean.
Not really meant to come out from my mouth, because I don't even have those
words in my heart. But, there is really something that controls me, taking
over my mouth to speak.
(Right now, I am just writing these, to explain my side easily.)
Awhile ago, when I used the bathroom, that *AUTOMATIC* speech, said to me, "WHAT IS YOUR LIFE, ABI?"
See? how crazy it can get, how would anybody, realize that they are speaking words, they don't mean??
WHAT HAPPENS TO ME, is... these words only comes out, when this STRONG AIR from
my stomach forcing up to my throat and then, words come to make me talk automatically (words i don't even have in mind, first, before speaking).
This is probably one of the signs of times.
I can't make people believe me, but I am completely being honest.
THIS hand symbol, that is an "OK" sign for many of us, i automatically do, without me choosing to do. Is something that I fear, that it is also that three six sign, or the sign of the illuminati or the sign that signifies an alliance to the Beast.
Beast or Satan.
There are people who were led astray and leading people astray, when they are pursuing the fake-light, or the angel of the light---that is Lucifer, and not the REAL light, that is JESUS CHRIST.
I am a mystic, though, I have been led astray by some MIND CONTROL or BRAIN-WASHING.
What is schizophrenic?
For my own experience, I have had much of schizophrenia recently.
I have been challenged on how to think.
Sometimes, we have to admit that WE THINK, but not really STRAIGHT.
My mind is a sanctuary for me, and I have to claim that everybody has to get their PEACE of MIND, each moment of their life.
Since, God, (Jesus) and His father, with the Holy Spirit, gives us all the salvation,
to receive peace, hope and love.
But, what if?
There is a time, in your life, that you have been,
Battered? Mistreated? Disrespected? Distracted? Disturbed?
All of these, have happened to me, in a Spiritual Manner.
Was it, because God chose to chastise me?
Or is it, because the beast or the devil, wanted to steal my joy?
I may never be always perfect with my thoughts, words and actions.
Accepting my wretchedness before God's eyes, is important for me,
because I claim that I am an adopted daughter of God the father.
Did you know, that there are spiritual ways, how a person can be inflicted with pain, and make them look like they are afflicted?
I've had, these kind of pressure, personally.
I needed to look for Christ, to make me free from all insanity.
Swallowing my pride is what I do, and trying my hardest to manage myself to think right,and move my body in such a way, that I have complete freedom to live.
My movement have been very strange recently, my mind have been battling with (probably somebody else's mind), that's why I needed to think smarter, even when I can't be always wise at times.
Pretending to be smart, is just acting like a know-all-person, and that's not me.
My imaginations have been fantasies, and believing that these fantasies could happen are just complete *DAYDREAMING*, but I am trying to just, think freely, when there is really power in visualizing.
BUT WHAT IF? Some psychics would change your thoughts?
Then change your behavior?
Then morally, create horrible effects on your system?
When the mind acts like the controller of our whole body.
Or what if...???? THERE IS THIS DEVIL, that really tries to send you thoughts, to destroy your peace?
REMEMBER DEVILS are SPIRITS, hitting or making our minds his TARGET, attacks
our Psychics.
Much even worse, these evil spirits only do want to destroy people's peace,
behavior, and much worsened when these spiritual enemies, continually
killing a person's sense-of-peace to live freely.
That's how, I can really justify that there is really a calling for
Do others really has the ability to steal somebody else's thoughts, and intellectually become thieves to others thinking?
Respecting somebody else's mind, must be the first concept of a person, who is working with God.
But look around us, what do we see? what do we listen to? what do we watch?
Are all of these, healthy for our own minds, or does it only create "war-of-the-minds", to give confusion and distraction, of one's thinking?
We cannot blame people with how they think, we cannot even blame ourselves with what we are in our minds. We cannot blame the whole world's spirituality with who we become in our minds or spirits.
Only for the reason, that we are just influencing one another in ways that happens spiritually.
I respect all minds in this land (Philippines), but, forgive me, when I want to
judge that there are psychics who are so mean and wicked with their minds.
And I respect them, but I cannot love them.
Since, I have had experienced being mistreated by some spiritual influences.
I guess this is not being Pathetic. This only means that, there are really stronger minds in this country, that takes charge and takes over minds of others.
I am not proud of my countrymen, who does strange acts of abuse, accusations
with using someone's mind, for their own benefit, or to make someone's life negative.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Help me serve Christ
Please Help Sendong Victims
BDO: 004530018647
BPI: 4991003652
Union Bank: 101540000201
Metro Bank: 1513041631228
I am saved!
I am saved from all kind of MESS.
♥ i love you Jesus! ♥
Friday, December 16, 2011
"How to make someone PSYCHOTIC"
and trust the Holy Spirit to give me self-control.)
I cannot completely speak out everything about the People in the industry of Music,
like especially this "Showbiz world" of RADIO.
I don't want to earn money from this, or make a controversy.
I would only want to explain my
I am not too perfect when it comes to mind-power.
I am clearly not a MIND-READER, not even sure if I can receive TELEPATHIC messages, but I thought of maybe sharing my thoughts on somebody else.
I can't just assure that everything that I have encountered tremendously recently, as these "PSYCHIC ATTACKS" are completely from the influences of the RADIO.
My conscience is clear, I am not lying.
I am HONEST, to Goodness, I'm telling you, God knows everything.
My life recently have really tested me with how I can really manage to
maintain, not losing my mind, my temper, and my morals.
My mind, my heart, my soul, and my whole being, is what I'm sure, God can judge, alone.
Probably, I am a little bit of crazy, or maybe suffering from
I tell you, I really get OUT-OF-CONTROL of my system, at times.
I'm blogging, just to find somebody who can, at least tell me if they
can relate to me. I heard there are people, who are also "SPIRITUALLY
There are also many books about these, like "DELIVERANCE", "PSYCHIC POWERS",
Maybe, most of us, can understand this concept of MIND, having "VISIONS",
I just can't understand, why would these "PSYCHIC INFLUENCES"
that comes to me, are so "devilish", like it has been manifestations of the DEVIL.
Satanic, Occultic, & Magic.
Mystics, could be the best description to these people involved.
Right now, I am at peace with my mind, and my whole body. Though, everytime I get under attack, I tend to lose control over my mind and my body.
I am not epileptic and autistic, to clear things out, but, the power that comes to me
like a trance is so hypnotically affecting my behavior, attitude, mentality and body.
I no longer like to consult to Psychiatrists regarding this matter.
I think I have had enough dose of the "XYPREZA" anti-depressants, I have had back in 2009.
I just can't go back to my previous psychiatrist, since I need money for some other stuff.
Many of my experiences, psychically, that came to me, are these:
1. I have frequent, speeches or words that comes out automatically from
my mouth. (I have read it is called TRANCE MEDIUMSHIP)
Whenever this happens, my words became, foul or bad words, and most often they are blasphemies or curses.)
2. I felt weirdly *sexually aroused* in the way, that my body then follows in such movement, like pushes me or pulls me to lay on bed. (These events really do eats up my energy.)
3. Whenever I feel that arousal, my "navel" or in tagalog "puson", feels squeezed tightly, and then i feel strange on my genitals, eventually when I feel pressed on my tummy, I secrete much of my white discharge.
(I know this is abnormal, I just don't know, who else in this world who is Christian, can realize this phenomena on NEW AGE?)
4. I can have nightmares often, even sleep-paralysis, or "bangunot", what is interesting about this, is whenever I get these bad dreams, I hear voices talking,
some speak in our native tongue, some of them speak in english.
5. My thoughts are sometimes, changing in an instant, like some other minds, can just swap their minds on me.
Do this thing, has to do with ILLUMINATI or FREEMASONRY?
I don't really know, I can't understand it all, but why are these things, take place, when these are like what has been fed on my mind, by the MEDIA.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Spirits are us, and we spiritually affect one another.
Maybe this is like: Transcendentalism...
I don't have that broad knowledge about this branch of Philosophy, and even in Psychology, but I think I can say something.
Forgive me, it's going to be arbitrary.
Based on my own experiences.
Of course, we are, only we do have this body, that makes our spirit filled with what we feed our temples with.
Christianity explains that THE BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE Holy spirit.
I can't remember this philosopher saying that, the body is only the cage of the soul.
If you know him, can you please tell me who he is.
On this instrument, BODY- what are we breathing for?
Where life came from? Why are we living, and having breath?
It is the spirit, right?
I apologize if I'm getting to spiritual, and my mind isn't intellectually better than yours, though, i think I can share my own view on this, context.
Hey! I'm only 24, & there's billion terms about everything existing in the dictionary and encyclopedia. I am not a Genius. Just average, probably, lesser than average.
But, I assure you, my EQ, is higher than my IQ. And I wish, my whole character can be good enough to be called Dignified.. anyway.
I am not, making myself look like better than how anybody sees me, in fact, I appreciate to be hated or even misunderstood.
But! I would love to be loved, than hated, of course!
I've always been good to everybody, like a kid, not being mindful of any criminal ever existed.
Having my security, around me, made me have the complacency of no-danger zone within the vicinity I'm at.
Back to spirits.. I think I need to explain better, but this is how I say things out.
Wish you can get my idea, though.
On Transcendentalism, I heard Ms. Oprah Winfrey, is an active practitioner of "higher-consciousness", maybe it is, like spirituality?
It could be like, Meditation? Yoga? or any thing like it.
Maybe. Another practice of Deism?
I don't know, exactly.
It must be depending upon the believer on what it really is for the person.
I, being a Christian Catholic in faith, and grew up in religious/pious family, and where I live is a community of Christians.
Good thing! I was baptized to be one since when i was only 2 months fresh in this world.
I would choose to be one, forever. That's how IN LOVE, I AM in faith.
God may be smiling at me now. Why not? He is always on the watch. Witnessing my every move can be a challenge to be a Christian, with all of unnecessary actions I've been doing in my life.
Lately.. ridiculously, acting silly on my own-weird-supernatural-psy-paranormal-phenomena.
This is probably, explicable on the issues about SPIRITS.
What is a spirit? It's the breath, the air, the Life.
Amazing right? It's like, great to imagine breathing altogether in this whole world.
Sharing the same atmosphere, and life is all around the planet.
Thank goodness! Life, can be indeed more appreciated when we realize God's wonders.
People working day and night, getting up early, before sunrise, going home few hours after sunset, and studying life in a day to day basis.
Like, nobody can even be ever perfect and expert LIFE, am I right?
Knowing energy comes from people too, there has been a study, a body emits great energy, radiating to its surroundings. Do you know where can this be true? I just had a glimpse of the video on that.
Being alive in the flesh, and strong physically,
how can we about to explain and feel the life of the soul within us?
Is it possible that, there can be other souls, (from living bodies) able to use our own body for their movements? Or kinetically by other people's mind? Like of psychics?
What is OBE? How can someone be able to be experiencing out-of-body?
I may be alone, minding this idea of out-of-body and psychic phenomena, when I know, I haven't been very busy in while with work.
Though, a nudge in me, telling me to just blog this out, and hoping someone out there can be a good samaritan to me, to explain and share his view.
Even when, many of us, probably don’t spend much time on this kind of issue, pre-occupation or having too many work to get done, like 24 hours in a day isn’t enough.
Or VICE-versa, I mind this cause, I don't have work as of yet, aside from -freelancing on little or Minor business.
Some people doesn't even mind this issue, because of being occupied with their work.
On the matter of souls, I have many experiences with this.
I myself, understand that there are mysteries, in this world, and if only there is a teacher to be educating me on everything in Life, I excitingly have to be his student.
If Mahatma Gandhi is alive, probably, I will ask him these things.
On thoughts, dreams, ideas, visions, and sounds, are there impact on us, transmitting to one another these kind of frequencies with the use of our minds??
What is telepathy?
What is it called like, when I hear sounds, to loud in my head, sometimes, when I am about to fall asleep and even when about to wake up.
And why is it, when I am dreaming, it felt surreal, sometimes it even seems like reality, with all the senses being able to perceive, visually, and with all the senses working, in dreams, i can touch, taste, smell, see and hear. Even, sometimes, unfairly, I do differently in dreams, than how I supposed to be doing in reality. Sometimes, my mind can seem to be very against myself.
I know, I don't consider myself as my own enemy, for the fact, I embrace my own being, whether I know I am, imperfect. I still, love myself like my own best-friend.
Not being autistic, of course! I don't want to claim that, even if being "autistic savant".
Even when I have, some challenges in psychiatric, I don't like the concept of "losing mind", "losing self", "let's get crazy" kind of lines on songs I hear on the radio and on tvs.
It can't be autism when I find a haven in my own, sense of security being alone, at times.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
"On Marriage and sex"
Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.
Filipino Hero of the Day
What sex really mean to you?

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Honey, honey
I can see the stars all the way from here
Can't you see the glow on the window pane?
I can feel the sun whenever you're near
Every time you touch me I just melt away
Now everybody asks me why I'm smiling out from ear to ear.
(They say love hurts)
But I know
(It's gonna take the real work)
Nothing's perfect, but it's worth it after fighting through my fears
And finally you put me first
Baby it's you.
You're the one I love.
You're the one I need.
You're the only one I see.
Come on baby it's you.
You're the one that gives your all.
You're the one I can always call.
When I need you make everything stop.
Finally you put my love on top.
Ooo! Come on Baby.
You put my love on top, top, top, top, top.
You put my love on top.
Ooo Ooo! Come on baby.
You put my love on top, top, top, top, top.
My love on top.
My love on top.
Come on Baby
I can feel the wind whipping past my face.
As we dance the night away.
Boy your lips taste like a night of champagne.
As I kiss you again, and again, and again and again.
Now everybody asks me why I'm smiling out from ear to ear.
(They say love hurts)
But I know
(It's gonna take the real work)
Nothing's perfect, but it's worth it after fighting through my fears.
And finally you put me first.
Baby it's you.
You're the one I love.
You're the one I need.
You're the only one I see.
Come on baby it's you.
You're the one that gives your all.
You're the one I can always call.
When I need you make everything stop.
Finally you put my love on top.
Ooo! Baby.
You put my love on top, top, top, top, top.
You put my love on top.
Ooo Ooo! Come on baby.
You put my love on top, top, top, top, top.
My love on top.
Baby it's you.
You're the one I love.
You're the one I need.
You're the only thing I see.
Come on baby it's you.
You're the one that gives your all.
You're the one I that always calls.
When I need you baby everything stops.
Finally you put my love on top.
Baby.You're the one I love.
Baby You're all I need.
You're the only one I see.
Come on baby it's you.
You're the one that gives your all.
You're the one I always call.
When I need you everything stops.
Finally you put my love on top
Cuz You're the one that I love.
You're the one that I need.
You're the only thing I see.
Baby baby it's you.
You're the one that gives your all.
You're the one that always calls.
When I need you everything stops.
Finally you put my love on top
Cuz You're the one that I love.
You're the one that I need.
You're the only thing I see.
Baby baby it's you.
You're the one that gives your all.
You're the one that always calls.
When I need you everything stops.
Finally you put my love on top
Cuz You're the one that I love.
Baby You're the one that I need.
You're the only one I see.
Baby baby it's you.
You're the one that gives your all.
You're the one that always calls.
When I need you everything stops.
Finally you put my love on top
RH BILL (ACCORDING TO Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Dangerously in Love - BEYONCE
Verse 1:-
Baby I love you you are my life
My happiest moments weren't complete if you weren't by my side
You're my relation and connection to the sun
With you next to me there's no darkness I can't overcome
You are my raindrops I am the seed
With you and God who's my sunlight I'm blooming grown so beautifully
Baby I'm so proud, proud to be your girl
You make the confusion go all away from this cold and misty world
I am in love with you (In love)
You set me free
I can't do this thing called life without you here with me
Cause I'm dangerously in love with you (In love)
I'll never leave (Just)
Just keep loving me the way I love you loving me
Cause I am in love with you (In love)
You set me free
I can't do this thing called life without you here with me
Cause I'm dangerously in love with you (In love)
I'll never leave
Just keep loving me the way I love you loving me
Verse 2:-
And I know you love me love me for who I am
Cause years before I became who I am baby you were my man
I know it ain't easy, easy loving me
I appreciate the love and dedication from you to me
Later on in my destiny I see myself having your child
I see myself being your wife and I see my whole future in your eyes
But in awe of my love for you sometimes makes me wanna cry
Realize all of my blessings I'm greateful to have you by my side
I am in love with you (In love)
You set me free
I can't do this thing called life without you here with me
Cause I'm dangerously in love with you (In love)
I'll never leave (Just)
Just keep loving me the way I love you loving me
Cause I am (So) in love with you (In love)
You set me free
I can't do this thing called life without you here with me
Cause I'm dangerously in love with you (In love)
(No no no) I'll never leave
Just keep loving me the way I love you loving me
(Loving me__)
Verse 3:-
Every time I see your face my heart smiles
Every time it feels so good it hurts sometimes
Created in this world to love, to hold, to feel, to breathe
To live you
Dangerously in love__ you yeah
I am in love with you (In love)
You set me free
I can't do this thing called life without you here with me
Cause I'm dangerously in love with you
(In love, I love you, I love you I'll never leave)
I'll never leave (Just)
Just keep loving me the way I love you loving me
Cause I am in love with you
(In love with you, Im in love with you)
You set me free
I cannot do, I cannot do anything without you in my life
Holding me, kissing me, loving me
Dangerously (Dangerously)
Dangerous, dangerously in love with you
Dangerous, dangerously in love
Oh I love you, I love you, love you, love you, love you, love you
I love you (I love you)
Oh yeah, I love you__
I love you, love you, love you
Love you, love you
(I love you)
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Dangreously in love
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Present!!!! Can i quote??
(▒)(▓)(▒)__ ███__ ██████ (░)(▒)(░)
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