Have your lights on? TRANSPIRE me!
if you may ask..
What is sex for me?Well, that has to be between husbands and wives alone.
Not to have it, with extra-marital affairs, or casually.
I know it's easier to have it said, than done, right?
But, to tell you frankly, I'm one of the women, who still pursues to keep "virginity",
until such time, i hopefully have to lay on the bed right next to my husband.
When, I know, I have no idea, honestly! If, will i ever get married...though.
I wish I will! In a very conservative view of Marriage, consider me, one
of Christian women, who prefer, sex-right-after-Marriage kind of thing.
An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.
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