Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Spirits are us, and we spiritually affect one another.


Maybe this is like: Transcendentalism...

I don't have that broad knowledge about this branch of Philosophy, and even in Psychology, but I think I can say something.

Forgive me, it's going to be arbitrary.

Based on my own experiences.

First, may I ask you this, "Do you believe in spirits?"

If so, do you think, we are spirits?

Of course, we are, only we do have this body, that makes our spirit filled with what we feed our temples with.

Christianity explains that THE BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE Holy spirit.

I can't remember this philosopher saying that, the body is only the cage of the soul.

If you know him, can you please tell me who he is.

On this instrument, BODY- what are we breathing for?

Where life came from? Why are we living, and having breath?

It is the spirit, right?

I apologize if I'm getting to spiritual, and my mind isn't intellectually better than yours, though, i think I can share my own view on this, context.

Hey! I'm only 24, & there's billion terms about everything existing in the dictionary and encyclopedia. I am not a Genius. Just average, probably, lesser than average.

But, I assure you, my EQ, is higher than my IQ. And I wish, my whole character can be good enough to be called Dignified.. anyway.

I am not, making myself look like better than how anybody sees me, in fact, I appreciate to be hated or even misunderstood.

But! I would love to be loved, than hated, of course!

I've always been good to everybody, like a kid, not being mindful of any criminal ever existed.

Having my security, around me, made me have the complacency of no-danger zone within the vicinity I'm at.

Back to spirits.. I think I need to explain better, but this is how I say things out.

Wish you can get my idea, though.

On Transcendentalism, I heard Ms. Oprah Winfrey, is an active practitioner of "higher-consciousness", maybe it is, like spirituality?

It could be like, Meditation? Yoga? or any thing like it.

Maybe. Another practice of Deism?

I don't know, exactly.

It must be depending upon the believer on what it really is for the person.

I, being a Christian Catholic in faith, and grew up in religious/pious family, and where I live is a community of Christians.

Good thing! I was baptized to be one since when i was only 2 months fresh in this world.

I would choose to be one, forever. That's how IN LOVE, I AM in faith.

God may be smiling at me now. Why not? He is always on the watch. Witnessing my every move can be a challenge to be a Christian, with all of unnecessary actions I've been doing in my life.

Lately.. ridiculously, acting silly on my own-weird-supernatural-psy-paranormal-phenomena.

This is probably, explicable on the issues about SPIRITS.

What is a spirit? It's the breath, the air, the Life.

Amazing right? It's like, great to imagine breathing altogether in this whole world.

Sharing the same atmosphere, and life is all around the planet.

Thank goodness! Life, can be indeed more appreciated when we realize God's wonders.

People working day and night, getting up early, before sunrise, going home few hours after sunset, and studying life in a day to day basis.

Like, nobody can even be ever perfect and expert LIFE, am I right?

Knowing energy comes from people too, there has been a study, a body emits great energy, radiating to its surroundings. Do you know where can this be true? I just had a glimpse of the video on that.

Being alive in the flesh, and strong physically,

how can we about to explain and feel the life of the soul within us?

Is it possible that, there can be other souls, (from living bodies) able to use our own body for their movements? Or kinetically by other people's mind? Like of psychics?

What is OBE? How can someone be able to be experiencing out-of-body?

I may be alone, minding this idea of out-of-body and psychic phenomena, when I know, I haven't been very busy in while with work.

Though, a nudge in me, telling me to just blog this out, and hoping someone out there can be a good samaritan to me, to explain and share his view.

Even when, many of us, probably don’t spend much time on this kind of issue, pre-occupation or having too many work to get done, like 24 hours in a day isn’t enough.

Or VICE-versa, I mind this cause, I don't have work as of yet, aside from -freelancing on little or Minor business.

Some people doesn't even mind this issue, because of being occupied with their work.

On the matter of souls, I have many experiences with this.

I myself, understand that there are mysteries, in this world, and if only there is a teacher to be educating me on everything in Life, I excitingly have to be his student.

If Mahatma Gandhi is alive, probably, I will ask him these things.

On thoughts, dreams, ideas, visions, and sounds, are there impact on us, transmitting to one another these kind of frequencies with the use of our minds??

What is telepathy?

What is it called like, when I hear sounds, to loud in my head, sometimes, when I am about to fall asleep and even when about to wake up.

And why is it, when I am dreaming, it felt surreal, sometimes it even seems like reality, with all the senses being able to perceive, visually, and with all the senses working, in dreams, i can touch, taste, smell, see and hear. Even, sometimes, unfairly, I do differently in dreams, than how I supposed to be doing in reality. Sometimes, my mind can seem to be very against myself.

I know, I don't consider myself as my own enemy, for the fact, I embrace my own being, whether I know I am, imperfect. I still, love myself like my own best-friend.


Not being autistic, of course! I don't want to claim that, even if being "autistic savant".

Even when I have, some challenges in psychiatric, I don't like the concept of "losing mind", "losing self", "let's get crazy" kind of lines on songs I hear on the radio and on tvs.

It can't be autism when I find a haven in my own, sense of security being alone, at times.

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